Essay For Romeo And Juliet Who S To Blame

Romeo and Juliet “Who Is to Blame” Essay The One to blame The play Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare tells us the story that reads the fate of two “star-crossed” lovers that, unfortunately, concludes to a tragic end. Juliet is in love with Romeo who is a Montague, the rival family. Juliet is forced to marry the Prince of Verona, Paris, by her parents, because the Capulets think this would be best for the family; they want higher power over the Montagues. During the chaos, Juliet decides to end her life, leading to the death of Romeo, ending the story dreadfully. There may be many people to blame for causing the leading events to the tragedy but there is one person who caused the most damage. Juliet is the most culpable for the death of the young couple because of the bare choices she made and because of the lack of using her maturity.

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Essay For Romeo And Juliet Who S To Blame

Meeting For Romeo And Juliet Crossword

Throughout the story, Juliet has made low choices to try to get out of trouble’s way. Juliet’s choices portrayed herself as a selfish person because she chose what ever made her avoid responsibility, making her feel more comfortable, and helped her avoid the consequences of the actions. Juliet visits to ask Friar Lawrence for help about being forced to marry Paris, Juliet tells him “Tell me not, friar, that thou hearest of this, unless thou tell me how to prevent it. 51-53) and she also tells him “If in thy wisdom thou canst give no help, Do thou but call my resolution wise” (4. 51-53) Juliet is telling Friar about her plan and if he does not have another plan then her idea would be considered “wise”.